Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friendship Therapy/给我亲爱的朋友

有空闲的时候,又看到好的书本,都会将书里面觉得很好意识及简单的句子,抄在自己喜欢的笔记簿里,然后心情不好时时, 会拿来看看,又或者想拿来打发时间时,就能随手翻动翻动两下。

以下的 “friendship therapy/给我亲爱的朋友” 其内容是自己蛮喜欢的一本很小本的书。 它很简洁的利用一些很普通却又意识很深的单字,道出了在友谊的世界里的联想和应用。

1. A friend accept you just as you are. 朋友接受你的本来面具。

2. Cultivate your friendship.耕耘友谊。

3. Imaginable。
让你的友谊可大可小, 可高可矮, 可方可圆, 可以繁复华丽, 也可以平淡朴实。赋予友谊 各种想象得出的尺寸、形状与色调。
Let your friendship be large or small, tall or short, square or round, paisley or plain. Friendships come in every size and shape and shade imaginable.

4. Partners.
在人生的大海里, 我们需要同舟共济的伙伴;你摇浆,我撑篙,欸乃一声过小桥。
Allow your friendship the graceful freedom of a ship at sea. When the waves dash against you, when the strong winds fill your sails, when the calm allows clear sailing, when the star guide you by night, you are partners at the helm. Your friendship can take you to distant and undreamed-of shares.

5. Self.善待自己在能善待朋友。疼惜自己也疼惜朋友。
To be a good friend, value yourself. To treasure another essence in your heart, you must first treasure the precious essence that is you.

6. Miracle. 友谊可以点石成金,好东西就是要和好朋友分享。
你不需要发誓成为一名永远的朋友, 用事实来证明。 欢迎、接纳彼此的厚谊,用这份奇迹散发出来的光与热温暖自己。
You don't need to vow to be a friend forever; just be. Say yes to the gift you are to each other and warm yourselves in the glow of that miracle.

7. Giving.付出就是收获;沙下小小的种子, 你就会拥有一座花园。
Give to your friend without expecting something in return. The most gratifying giving comes without expectation concern for outcome.

8. Time。
与朋友消磨时间;甜蜜的时光 -- 散步、嬉戏、祷告;不怎甜蜜的时光 -- 争执、伤害、揣测。 友谊悦纳人生全部的光谱。
Spend time with your friend; sweet time-walking, playing, praying; not-so-sweet time - disagreeing, hurting, searching. Friendship embraces the whole spectrum of life itself.

9. Gleeful。朋友会令你破涕而笑, 走出心情的幽谷。
开开心心地倾听彼此的笑声, 你们的内心都会涨满喜悦。
Listen gleefully to each others laughter; your hearts will know abundant joy.

10. Sob。朋友是我们的泪桶。一滴一滴的泪珠都会保额珍重收藏。
Listen gently to each others sob; your hearts will know abundant life.

11. Brokenness。 患难见真情, 灾危相扶持;只要有朋友,一定会东山再起。

12. Reality。穿透表层, 直指本心,友谊才不会如沙上城堡,旋起旋灭。
接纳你的朋友,不要审判你的朋友, 这并不表示你们不会互相结难, 而是努力去了解彼此的真实面貌。
Accept your friend without being judgmental. It's not that you dont challenge each other; it's just that you strive to know each others reality.

13. Offer。不要忘记常常替友谊添加柴火, 火烧得愈旺,才能驱走人心冷漠。
14. Weakness。人都有弱点,互相包容海涵。求全只会让你孤单落寞。
欢喜承担朋友的软弱及急难, 朋友的软弱是为了唤出你的力量。
Let your friend be weak or in need; a friend's weakness is a gift that calls out to your strength.

15. Truthful。客套只会拉远彼此的距离, 不要害怕对朋友说出你的心里话。
对朋友要真诚。真理与爱是一对朋友, 缺少了对方,彼此都会逊色许多。
Be truthful with your friend. Truth and love are themselves friends; one without the other makes each less.

16. Humble。不要对朋友颐指气使, 如果你目空一切, 身边要会空荡荡的。
在朋友面前要谦虚。 如果你自以为知道所有的答案, 你就不是对方需要的朋友。
Be humble with your friend. You cannot be who your friend needs if you think you have all the answers.

17. Loved。大方地接受才能大方的付出,懂得被爱才懂得爱人。
允许朋友来宠你。你只能付出你已经得到的。当你的朋友带着爱来扣你的心门时,铺上欢迎的脚墊, 你的自我渴望被爱。
Allow yourself to be loved by your friend. You can give only what you have receive. When your friend knocks on the door of your heart with love, put out the welcome mat of your longing-to-be-loved self.

18. Fresh。每一位朋友都可以提供一种新眼光,让你照见自己。不要错过哦!
在友谊之中敞开心胸,寻找你尚未发现的真实自我。从朋友的眼中来看自己, 你会发现一个焕然一新、令人振奋的“你”。
Be open to finding new aspects of your true self in your friendship. When you see yourself in the eyes of a friend, you discover "you" as a fresh and exciting creation.

19. Play。
不要和朋友竞争;游戏很好, 但是不要竞争。友谊是没有目标的, 然而“获胜”或“打败”都是一种目标。
Do not compete with your friend; play , but do not compete. Friendship does not have a goal-and "winning" or "beating" is a goal.

20. Concern。关心朋友就不要用甜言蜜语来蒙蔽他;真诚的建言才能抚慰他的心。
不要为了逃避批评,而去谄媚你的朋友。还有另一种方法 -- 肯定自己,同时表露出建设性且充满爱意的关怀。
Don't falsely flatter your friend because you are trying to avoid being critical.There's another way - being affirming while expressing constructive, loving concern.

21. Anger。愤怒不会侵蚀友谊, 压抑怒气才是友谊的头号大敌。
不要害怕友谊中自然产生的愤怒。愤怒也是你的朋友, 提醒你事情出错了。以开放、坦诚的态度来回应愤怒。
Don't fear the anger that is a natural part of friendship. Anger itself can be a friend telling you something is wrong. Respond with openness and honesty.

22. Reconciliation。冤家直解不直结,相逢一笑泯恩仇。
如果朋友伤害了你, 友谊还是可以维持下去。不要试着隐藏你的伤痛,说出来,彼此谈一谈。享受和解的兴奋与快乐。
When your friend hurts you, your friendship can survive. Don't try to hide again pain. Talk it over. And enjoy the delightful effervescence of reconciliation.

23. Touch。拍拍肩,握握手,用肢体的接触传达心灵的相知相惜。
Touch your friend. When it is respectful and reassuring, not needy and demanding touch between friends is sacred, connecting body and soul.

24. Farewell。又分别才有再见的喜悦,潇洒地挥挥手,约定再聚首的日子。
Accept a friend's departure gracefully. Farewells allow for new beginnings and fresh experiences. You will have that much more to give one another when you come together again.

25. No。对不起,朋友也不能事事顺你的意,个人有个人的天地。
该说“不”时,就说“不”,而且也要心平气和的接受朋友对你说“不”。 友谊足够深广,可以包容“不”、“好”、“或许”以及“我不知道”。
Say "No" to your friend when "No" is appropriate, and gracefully accept your friend's "No". Friendship is wide enough and deep enough to allow "No", "Yes", "Maybe", and "I don't know".

26. Boundary。友谊就像打球一样越界就会被判出局。
Respect your own boundaries as well as yours friends. Not everything inside you needs exposing. Know what is yours to share and what is yours to hold quietly within.

27. Magic。友谊像一根魔法棒, 让世界成为迪士尼乐园。
Welcome magic and serendipity in your friendship. The most wonderful things can happen when two persons share their deepest selves.

28. Rainbow。迎着风,迎着雨, 友谊是保证风雨过后终将天晴的彩虹。
Let the radiance of your friendship pour through each of you like light through a prism. Together you create a rainbow that the world would not otherwise know.

29. Remember。回忆能够替友谊调味加料,比比看谁得记忆好。
为你们的友谊的诞生订定周年纪念日。 你们可以在一起回忆、欢笑、哭泣,同时梦想未来。
Set an anniversary date to mark the birth of your friendship. Together you can remember laugh, cry, and dream about the future.

30. Celebrate。 为友谊三呼万岁:万岁,万岁,万万岁!
Celebrate your friendship with gratitude. Live your friend in thanksgiving and rejoice in God's blessing.

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Life Is a process.

To love,is to accept. Acceptance is a form of love.
Between live and death, there is a line connecting them both, which is call Life
sow a thought, reap an action;sow an action, reap a habit;sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
不相信, 就连有得都变没有。.

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